if you can not see the feature of female on the app dashboard,please tap''Mine'',Click upside image to profile setting Gender is female.

This feature is mainly for females. If your gender is set to male, this module will not be displayed in the "Dashboard" of the App. When the device is connected to the App, You can set the personal physiological status in the App (as shown in Figure 3-5-2). App uses the data to predict and remind You of the physiological status. The personal information status in the "female" function includes four types: "Record menstruation cycle", "Trying to get pregnant", "pregnant" and " mother ".

Record menstruation cycle:
you selects "Record menstruation cycle" and fill in the period length,cycle length, and last period started. Based on the data provided by you, the device predicts your current situation and displays the words "safe day" and "ovulation period" on the interface
APP open "Veepoo Health" → connect device → "Dashboard" → Tap "Female" → Tap the "calendar" icon in the upper right corner → Tap "Record menstruation cycle" → fill in the data (the time of the last menstrual period can be intelligently predicted) → Tap " Save"

Trying to get Pregnant:
when you choose "trying to get Pregnant" and need to fill in the period length , cycle length. The device predicts the current situation and the interface displays the words "pregnant probability X% ovulation period", pregnant probability X% safe" and other words Open the "Veepoo Health" to connect to the device, Tap on the "Dahboard", Tap on "Female", Tap on the "calendar" icon in the upper right corner, Tap on "trying to get Pregnant", fill in the data, and Tap on "Save".

when you choose "pregnant" and need to fill in the expected date of childbirth. Based on the data provided, the device predicts the current situation and the interface displays the words "XX days until chidbirth'
APP: open "Veepoo Health" → connect the device → Tap "Dashboard" → Tap "female" → Tap the "calendar" icon in the upper right corner → Tap "pregnant" → fill in the data → Tap "save"

when you select the "mother " stage, and you fills in the gender , Baby birthday, and last period length, cycle length . The device predicts the current situation of you and the interface displays the words "Ovulation Day", "Ovulation Period", etc. APP Open "Veepoo Health" to connect to the device, Tap "Dashboard", Tap "Female", Tap the "calendar" icon in the upper right corner, Tap "Mother", fill in the data, and Tap "Save"

Bracelet Notification:
Open "Veepoo Health" → connect device → Tap "Dashboard" → Tap "female" → set the "Bracelet notification" switch